35th Annual Conference
Mar 23, 2025 - Mar 26, 2025
Embassy Suites by Hilton in Fort Lauderdale, FL
Conference Hotel

Embassy Suites by Hilton
1100 SE 17th Street
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Reservations: 954-527-2700
- TASS Book On-Line form with TASS conference rate:
Hotel Embassy Suites by Hilton booking page- General Information about Hotel Embassy Suites by Hilton:
Hotel Embassy Suites by Hilton general information
Getting From Here to There
Ground Transportation from/to Ft. Lauderdale International Airport
Yellow Cab taxis are available on demand around the clock at the Airport. Please check in at the Transportation Podium located outside the baggage area on the lower level at the curb of each terminal. Rate comparison charts are posted at each podium. Cabs may accept up to four people for the fare stated on the taxi's meters. Cab fare from the Ft. Lauderdale International Airport to the Embassy Suities Hotel is approximately $11.00-$14.00 each way. FLL airport is 3 miles from the hotel.
Space has been reserved at the Hotel Embassy Suites by Hilton for conference participants at a special conference rate. For general information on the Embassy Suites Hotel, click on Hotel Embassy Suites by Hilton general information.
TASS rate is $235.00 (USA) per night plus 13% tax. This rate is also available three days before and three days after the conference based on availability. Each additional person 18 years of age and older will be charged additional $10.00 per person per day. Please make your reservations online at TASS Hotel Embassy Suites by Hilton booking page or call the hotel reservation number at 954-527-2700 by February 14, 2025. We cannot guarantee the conference rate after this date. Please note that the group/convention code has already been provided on the "book online" page. If you call the hotel, please mention TASS to qualify for the conference rate.
Complimentary breakfast is included in room rate.
Availability is limited; therefore, we recommend you make your reservations early.
For information about restaurants, transportation and things to do in Ft. Lauderdale click on https://www.sunny.org/tass/.